Sintmond Group Ltd is duly registered and certified by relevant authorities to offer design, EPC/EPCM/BOOT/Turnkey services as Contractors or Consultants for Large Infrastructure projects.
We are the leading company offering energy solutions, inspections, waste disposal/recycling, and infrastructure projects.
Our technical resource are professional engineers trained both locally and internationally who ratify and ensure all our products and services are engineered and offered according to the existing global standards. Maintaining high standards of work, ethical attributes with our clients and health safety and risk assessment are part of our policy.
We strive to:
- Meet industrial standards, health safety requirements and regulations.
- Improve overall efficiency, profitability, control and monitoring
- Minimize unit, overall maintenance, repair and operational costs.
To be the leading provider for EPC services.
“Progression through Partnership for Sustainable Projects”
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Customer satisfaction
- Timely execution of projects